The Conservative and Unionist party seeks to create and push for a world where everyone has the opportunity to rise to the highest levels of wealth and society. We are the party that will provide not just money and aid, but carefully spend on practical schemes, last term we submitted a bill to bring education in the british style, to some of the most unstable regions of the world, I am glad to see the start of these well thought out plans come to fruition today, and I would like to think stability and education for years to come are not just something that this party is proud of bringing to our country, but also to anyone willing to listen. This I think when our gains we made last term, despite being in opposition will be one of our greatest achievements. I am a firm believer that you can’t just do a quick fix for people's lives, you can’t just take in people from a troubled land. To make Britain safer and more influential, again stepping out into the world stage, we must make the lives of our migrants better in their homeland, so they do not feel the need to flee. So that people can rebuild and improve their own home, and make it better. Eventually leading to countries that britain can emigrate to and from safely , that we can trade and share research for the betterment of everyone.
Commonwealth Foundation
We will look to reform the Commonwealth Foundation and turn it into an International Fund. This fund would be used to build ties with our Commonwealth friends and would be used to assist developing nations within the Commonwealth. This would not only develop a country’s infrastructure and economic situation, but it will also build ties with fellow states allowing the UK to build its soft power and open up to the world.
Funding Infrastructure
We will use this Commonwealth Development Fund to fund infrastructure projects across poorer countries so we can increase their supply-side potential and help stimulate economic growth across the region.
Reviewing Foreign Aid Spending
To ensure that the British taxpayer is getting value for money, we will re-evaluate all foreign aid spending to make sure it is going to the right places and not into the hands of corrupt governments. We believe projects such as the Commonwealth Development Fund would help ensure foreign aid is spent well.
Foreign Aid Spending
The Conservative Party believes the United Kingdom has a moral duty and obligation to support underdeveloped and developing countries throughout the world. We believe that the UK has the means to support fellow human beings and to emphasise that, we will pledge 0.7% of our GDP to the International Development budget.
In government, the Conservative party shall look to China in an effort to expand our horizons and build relationships with emerging economies and regional powers. We will talk with China concerning areas of mutual interests whilst encouraging the country to expand their markets for mutual benefit. Whilst the slump in the Chinese economy has recently occurred, it would be inappropriate to dismiss China as a dying economic power - it is merely a stumble in an ever expanding country. Areas of mutual interest which we can share would be expanding our service sector into China; encouraging Chinese technological development; and working with Hong Kong in the financial sector.
Sanctions on Developing Nations
The last Communist-Labour-Green government introduced sanctions on developing nations if they did not comply with UK demands to reform their governments (in this instance, transferring power from governments to trade union movements). We believe sanctioning governments is damaging to the trade union movement in these countries, and actively harms the economic, social, and political development of these nations. A Conservative government would repeal this legislation and support governments as they develop. We can provide and assist in reform to improve workers right through diplomatic soft power and good will - there is no reason to be combative with the up and coming economies of the world.