EU and Immigration

EU and Immigration

The Conservative Party has both Europhiles and Eurosceptics. However one thing that everyone agrees on in the party is that the European Union needs fundamental reform and we will push for this reform. We will make sure the failed policy that is the Common Agricultural Policy works for British farmers and not just French ones and will also pressure the EU to cut down on red tape and regulation which stifles the growth of small businesses in our country. Whilst as a party we accept that immigration can and does benefit the UK economy we must also make sure we have tighter control of our borders which is why we as a party will seek to tighten rules on migrants being able to claim any sort of state benefits as well as implementing an Australian style points system for migration outside the EU.
No further transfer of powers
Any further attempted expansion of EU powers shall be blocked until they are approved by a nationwide referendum. Although we wish to engage in meaningful dialogue with the EU, expansion of powers is not the way forward.
If a referendum bill is put before parliament next term the Conservative Party will make it a free vote whilst remaining neutral depending on any reforms that were secured by a future government.
Staying out of Schengen
We will keep Britain out of the Schengen zone and will seek to cut down immigration by EU citizens, and will severely crack down on their benefits, excluding new migrants for the first 7 years of their residence in the UK (except for children, the disabled, and the elderly).

Common Agricultural Policy
The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) needs fundamental reform. Every year, € 57 billion – more than 40% of the EU budget – is spent without creating significant value for society. In the future, European money should promote European public goods. This will allow us to better protect our climate and the environment, improve animal welfare and enhance economic efficiency.
English speaking classes
Upon entry of the United Kingdom, non-English speaking migrants will be given information as to where they can find classes to improve their English language skills. This would help immigrants integrate into the United Kingdom and will enable more co-operation amongst domestic and foreign workers.
We will remove students from immigration statistics, and remove restrictions against them - we should be encouraging high skilled migrants and people that will contribute to the UK.
Syrian Refugees
With regards to the Syrian refugee crisis, we will take in genuine humanitarian refugees, directly from refugee camps in the Middle-East, focusing on the most vulnerable in society.
Points Based System
For migrants outside the European Union, the Conservative Party will seek introduce an Australian-style points system to deal with immigration and to guarantee immigrants contribute to society.

Welfare for EU benefits
The Conservative Party will aim to implement a system whereby the government can suspend all forms of benefits given to migrants for their first four years upon settling in the United Kingdom. We want to do this so we can prevent the exploitation of our generous benefits system whilst still enabling migrants to contribute towards our economy.
Illegal Immigration
The Conservative Party accepts that immigrants can make a vital contribution to the economy. However we will only take migrants that want to play by the rules. If immigrants enter this country illegally they will be sent back to their country of origin. If they want to migrate to the country they will have to go through the legal process.
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