

The Conservative Party understands how fundamentally important infrastructure is to any country. Infrastructure is often neglected as it is not the most stimulating subject in politics, however the Conservative Party would ensure that it is not neglected. We would commit to vital infrastructure projects such as HS2 & HS3. We would build a quarter of a million houses so that this country has enough housing for everyone. On top of this we would co-operate and invest in new emerging markets and make sure our infrastructure is able to cope with these markets so that companies want to come to our country to do business.
Multiple left-wing governments on MHoC have eroded private sector involvement in the transport sector in the UK. The private sector can play a useful role in public transport and thus we would reverse changes made by left-wing governments and try to increase private sector involvement as well as establishing what will and will not be provided by the private sector in this industry in order to clear up any ambiguity.
Fair Rents
There are certain people who earn enough money to pay market rents but they end up paying subsidised rents. Thus we would introduce a bill which would reduce the subsidy people get on their rent once they earn over a certain threshold and eventually, if they earn enough, they would pay full market rents.
New Homes
The Conservative Party wants to ensure that we have enough houses for the citizens of our country. This is why we would build 250,000 new houses by the end of this parliament as a guarantee.
Devolving powers to cities
We believe that transport should be devolved to local cities, hence why we are in favour of giving more powers to cities so they can improve their own transport network. We are in favour of more cities introducing a London style underground train network.
Liberalise Planning Laws
To try and increase private sector involvement in housing, we would also liberalise planning laws so that on top of the guarantee of 250,000 houses being built, private companies could also build more to ensure that there is no shortage of housing in the United Kingdom.
The Conservative Party would ensure that the planned work on the spaceport is completed as soon as possible as this is very important for the UK space industry. On top of that we will work with the UKSA to make sure we co-operate with the emerging space sector so we can help develop these industries and ensure the UK becomes a hub for this emerging market.
Raising the Speed Limit
The Conservative Party will look to increase the National Speed Limit to 80 miles per hour. With modern braking technology, it is perfectly fine to raise the speed limit to 80mph, which will save people time and some evidence even suggests raising the speed limit could actually save lives as well. 
Continue to invest in our infrastructure - electrify all railways (50% by 2025), continue the smart motorways renovations and complete the full HS2 and HS3 projects to Scotland. This will create thousands of jobs across the country.
Wifi on motorways
By the end of this parliament we will make sure that 90% of motorways have high-speed wifi coverage so that our motorway network is appropriate for the 21st century.
Drone Laws
The use of commercial drones could be very beneficial to the UK economy. As such we will work with companies who intend to use commercial drones (such as Amazon) and make sure UK drone laws are updated and modified for the 21st century.
We would also invest money into researching the viability of automating the tube network which would save money for the taxpayer as well as increase efficiency within the network. First however, we have to see if such a system could actually work.
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