Home Affairs

Home Affairs

The first priority of any government should always be the protection of the people, whether that be from the threat of terrorism or the threat of crime. That is why it is so vital we dedicate our time to tackling extremism and combating the propaganda machine. It is why we must have a Police Force that operates at it’s peak effectiveness and is better accountable to those it serves. It is also why we must crack down on barbarous crimes such as female genital mutilation. This party will always prioritise protecting the people.
Combating Extremism
In order to tackle extremism we will outlaw groups that preach hate with the introduction of new Banning Orders for extremist organisations. These could be applied to dangerous organisations that fall short of the existing thresholds for proscription under terrorism legislation. To restrict the harmful activities of extremist individuals, we will create new Extremism Disruption Orders. These new powers might, for instance, prevent those who are seeking to radicalise young British people online from using the internet or communicating via social media.
Fighting Terrorism
To effectively combat terrorism, the propaganda machine they have assembled must be stopped. That is why this party proposes strict penalties on Social Media Corporations that consistently fail to or are complacent in the rampant use of accounts related to possible terrorist suspects. With the internet being as prominent in all our lives, it is vital we do not allow such hatred to fester. If we are to fight this barbarous proponent of terror, we must do it together.

Diverse Policing
To operate at the most effective capacity, the police force needs to command confidence from all members of society. Not just one section. By having more minority police officers, we can better command the confidence all people in the country. By doing this, we can hope to solve crimes far more easily and quickly, potentially save lives and also waste less police resources.
Police and Crime Commissioners
The Conservative Party is committed to abolishing Police and Crime Commissioner elections. We believe that the nature of their role has meant that justice has been inconsistent and public resources have been wasted on elections with very poor turnouts (10%). Therefore we think lots of public money could be saved and our policing will be more consistent following the abolition of these elections.
Prisoner Voting
The Conservative Party would work to reverse the changes of the Green Party, who on MHoC, legalised prisoner voting. People who violate the rights of others in the UK should not be entitled to the same rights when they serve their punishments, and must be reformed characters before they are allowed to vote in UK elections.
Body Cameras
This party is committed to having all on-duty police officers be equipped with body cameras to promote greater accountability and significantly help determine liability. This will make huge strides towards protection of officers and civilians from both violence, abuse and allow each side of the story to be expressed, ensuring justice is upheld. It also has the potential to be a valuable crime solving tool, allowing for invaluable recordings, better protecting all members of our society.
Female Genital Mutilation
Female Genital Mutilation is a brutal and barbaric practise which is sadly still happening around the world. To combat this, we will issue guidelines to all head teachers in England and Wales so every single teacher can be aware of the signs. The NHS will keep record of females who have had the operation done, in order to keep aware of other females in the family who may become under risk.
Stopping Extremist Preachers
We will crack down on terrorism on the home front - tackling extremist preachers and recruiters and preventing them from entering the UK. We will also enforce the instant extradition of suspected terrorists so that they do not threaten the British population.
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